
Memorial page of Valentin Alexandrovich Michtchenko

the main ideologist and one of creators of MV2 and MVZ cryptographic algorithms.
13.09.1936 – 21.02.2019
Valentin Alexandrovich Michtchenko was born on 13th of September 1936 in Kremenchug town of Ukrainian Republic of USSR. His parents died as a result of a Nazi aviation bomb’s blast right in front of his eyes in 1941. Five-year old was adopted and raised by foster mother.
He got graduated with a silver medal from a secondary school, after which he got enrolled into the Artillery Radio-technics Academy of Air Defence Troops. In Kharkov city. After the graduation, he became a military radio-engineer.
From 1961 till 1965 as a tester-engineer he took part in development and implementation of modern rockets’ samples.
From 1966 till 1987 Valentin Michtchenko was working in Minsk Highest Engineering Ani-Aircraft Missile School, where he progressed in career from the Head of Laboratory’s Department all the way to the Head of the Department of Computer Engineering. It was exactly here, where his scientific, pedagogical and inventor’s talent has manifested itself.
In year 1968 he has defended a thesis, which topic was closely related with his work experience as a tester, and was awarded the Candidate of Engineering Science degree. In year 1972 he defends another thesis and becomes a PhD. That latest thesis’s topic was related to the control of space technic’s condition. Later he got a position of Professor.
In 1973 Professor Michtchenko was appointed as a head of a newly created Department of Computer Science, where he’s been working in this position till 1987, till he got retired from the military service. He’s appeared to be the youngest among the department’s employees. He had to manage people, who were older, had more experience and had higher military grade. They had nothing: no coordinated team, no relevant textbooks, no laboratories, but it didn’t stop the young scientist. In only three years the results of new Department’s work became known far beyond their school and were awarded with a silver medal at the Exhibition of National Economy Achievements in Moscow. Valentin Alexandrovich tackled solving of new ambitious problems with an inexhaustible enthusiasm and energy. One of such problems was opening of a new Super-Large Integral Circuits Scientific Research Laboratory.
Valentin Michtchenko was a scientific supervisor of 36 Candidates of Science and scientific consultant of 4 PhDs.
In year 1978 for outstanding contribution to the development and implementation of advanced technologies in production and defence equipment he was awarded a title of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BSSR.
In 1982, Valentin Alexandrovich was awarded the State Prize of the BSSR for the development and implementation of automated and robot-like diagnostic and quality control systems for radio measuring instruments in mass production.
V.A. Michtchenko was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals of the USSR, Republic of Poland, Bulgaria, Cuba.
After leaving the USSR Armed Forces in 1987, he worked as deputy director of the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, director of the Brest branch of this institute, and vice-rector for scientific work of the Institute of Modern Knowledge.
In recent years he wrote numerous works in field of multichannel cryptography, got one US patent and 14 European invention certificates in the field of information security, as well as patent applications have been filed in China, South Korea, CIS countries (Eurasian applications).
These patents and applications solve the problems of protecting telecommunications, protecting information in computer networks, protecting goods from counterfeiting, protecting intellectual property and protection of large amounts of information in distributed storage, as well as a number of other problems.
V.A. Michtchenko was a full member of a number of Belarusian and International Academies, for a long time was a member of specialized councils for the defence of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.A. Michtchenko was the founder of new scientific areas:
  • multifunctional digital automated devices;
  • Intelligent computer-aided design systems for large and ultra-large integrated circuits;
  • multi-channel cryptography;
He is the author of 12 books, more than 150 inventions of the USSR, patents of the USA, Europe, Russia, Belarus, India, South Korea, has a scientific school (36 candidates of technical sciences and 4 doctors of science), an expert in the field of protection of mass technologies of the modern market.